Re: [Evolution] Message contents completely blank

On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 18:34, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
Actually, I just thought of a way that they *might* be handling it if
indeed they do show the contents that mutt originally sent.

if their parser was written where the logic is such that the last
Content-Type header encountered is the one they use, then it's possible
that they clobber the first Content-Type header and therefor use the
inner Content-Type header as if it were the toplevel MIME part (which is
wrong, btw).

Because of this, they end up showing what mutt sent but truncate any
additional parts that the mailing list software has attached.

Anyways, that's just a theory.

IMHO, Evolution's handling is more correct in this case.

Perhaps "correct" if that means strict adherence to committee
standards.  But not very useful if your goal is to read your mail.  IMHO
solutions that attempt to more accurately render what the sender
intended are more "useful".

Arthur S. Alexion <arthur alexion com>
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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