Re: [Evolution] Main window title

On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 10:32, Tony Earnshaw wrote:
Ah. Actally, I'd misunderstood a bit. All my Evo 1.0.2 stuff is in "the
other" Norwegian language and I thought you meant the tasklist.
Seems so. What I mean is the:

<FOLDERNAME> - Ximian Evolution <VERSION>

is a bit long. "<FOLDERNAME> - Evolution" would do it well.
Enver ALTIN (a.k.a. skyblue)      - Software developer, generic solvent            - mailto: ealtin at casdb dot com    - Just me, myself and I.

Idaho state law makes it illegal for a man to give his sweetheart a box
of candy weighing less than fifty pounds.

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