Re: [Evolution] Long lines and line wrap; revisited

On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 00:01, Dave Finnegan wrote:
This example message is NOT examplary of the problem.

The problem is that every single line is too wide.  Not just the one URL

I simply can't create an example from here as the formating is done
correctly on outbound messages by evolution.  Other, bad, servers,
create long lines.  
It's bad MUAs, not servers. If I understand you correctly, my mail here should be one of the cases you mean: 
all paragraphs on a long line each, without linebraks (and I write some more text here since I really want to 
make the point: this line is just too long...)

And then, you have a very long URL:
in the same mail. See, I can't create that in evo - but it's not done

-- vbi

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