Re: [Evolution] Smart Completion Less Convenient

Not to worry, noone at Ximian is saying the completion stuff doesn't
needs a lot of work yet.  The biggest thing we were trying for in the
1.2 cycle was to get multiple completion sources working, and working
well.  I'm nowhere near satisfied with completion in 1.2.x (even
considering all the gains we made over 1.0.8 in terms of performance),
and there will be lots more work done on it in the future :)


On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 17:30, Andrew Cowie wrote:
On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 11:50, Chris Toshok wrote:
A more intuitive response is to press comma ',' to immediately begin
entering another recipient.
This doesn't work, though.  Try using the above scheme when completing
against the "Ximian, Inc." card in the default Contacts folder.  <Enter>
is pretty much the only character on the keyboard that can't exist in
any of the fields over which we query.
That sucks.

Solution 1) "Ximian, Inc" could change it's name.

Solution 2) Switch to using ';' Semicolons as separator like Outlook
uses. Ewwww. Not traditional Unix MUA behaviour. Yuk.

Solution 3) Change the search algorithm to ignore ',' Commas in the
fields it is searching against. Frankly, I don't think I'd ever search
against "Ximian, Inc" as opposed to "Ximian, Some guys I know" and
expect to care whether or not the ',' is there.

I suppose there is the "lastname, firstname" search case to consider.
Does Evolution do that? If not, then 3 is a viable option.

Otherwise, I'm all for Ximian changing it's name again. :)


evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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