Re: [Evolution] Script-generated sigs

The sigs are taken as HTML (i believe)... the easiest solution is just
to use the "<pre>" and "</pre>" tags to put the text between. 

On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 10:38, Dwight Tovey wrote:
On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 15:43, Stephen Kuhn wrote: 
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 09:27, David McNab wrote:
To the folks who added the 'script-generated signatures' feature to
Evolution - thank you! Totally kewl! :)

You'll notice below that I'm taking full advantage of it.

I just realise this as well - after I upgraded to 1.2.1 I really didn't
look around much - just was grateful that my mail was alive and kicking
- and being that I already created a script to generate my "personal"
sigs, this is even better for my clients!
I noticed this when I upgraded to 1.2.1, but it doesn't seem to work as
I expected.  I have a script that puts out my sig as 5 lines.  When I
use it in in evolution directly, any formatting get stripped out and the
sig is turned into one long string.  

For example, my script puts out:
Dwight N. Tovey
Email: dwight dtovey net
Eagles may soar, but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines.

Evolution turns this into:
Dwight N. Tovey Email: dwight dtovey net --
Eagles may soar, but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines.

Not what I wanted at all.  It was even worse when I used a sig that had
two columns of text:
Dwight N. Tovey                          Unix SysAdmin/Developer
Email: dwight dtovey net                 Gremeg systems
                                         Boise, ID.
Young at Heart -- Slightly Older in Other Places

All the extra spaces that the script inserted to keep the right column
aligned get removed and the sig turns into:
Dwight N. Tovey Unix SysAdmin/Developer Email: dwight dtovey net Gremeg
systems Boise, ID. --- Young at Heart -- Slightly Older in Other Places

So any formatting that my script inserted for me just gets removed by
evolution.  Am I doing something wrong or is this behavior intentional
for some reason?

For now I get around it by having a cron job call my script every few
minutes and dump the output into a file.  I then have evolution
configured to use whatever that file happens to have at the moment as my
sig.  Less than ideal, but I get the results that I want.

Now if I can just figure out how to change the quoting strings to
something more personal - any insight?
What did you have in mind?  The sig that my script puts out is the three
info lines (name, email address, http url), a seperator, and a random
line from a file of one-liners.  If your interested I could send you the

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