Re: [Evolution] Re: Evolution SMTP and Password Errors


That's really wierd... anyways, glad the problem is solved now.

Btw, for kicks I tried to send a message without a to/cc/bcc address and
was unable to do so (Evolution popped up an error dialog saying I needed
to specify at least 1 recipient). Until I did that, it wouldn't queue
the message in the Outbox.
I have had this problem a few times.  Tracking it down initially was
very hard, as it shows up as an error when flushing the queue.

Eventually, you will notice that Evolution has an item with an empty
recipient on its outbox.

It is very hard to reproduce.  I think it has to do with the editing on
the `To' field.  Maybe when you have a recipient and accidentally delete
it, or select it from the popup that does not quite get it.

The phenomenon has happened to me about 4-5 times.


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