Re: [Evolution] New insight: Evolution 1.2.1, IMAP and no chars in header list entries

I dont really understand what you're on about.

Are there error messages?  The first message just says its blank, the
second mentions "it works without errors on xyx".

What is knoppix?

As i think i said last time i replied to this, it sounds a bit like a
theme problem and nothing specific to imap.  Do other mail folders work
(i.e. the default 'inbox' with its test message).

On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 04:30, René Matthäi wrote:

my old - and persisting - problem that chars in header list are missing
is described further below.

What I want to add is that with the actual knoppix versions the problem
is the same - so it is not esp. _my_ system or computer. It depends on
the version: with 1.0.8 it works, with 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 not.

So something got worse - what should not happen. Maybe the developpers
that read this are interested. What might be of interest is that with
all other mail clients I have used so far (windows and linux) it works
without error messages (Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla, Sylpheed,
KMail, Netscape Messenger, ...)



----> Old message with problem


Evolution 1.0.8 of SuSE 8.1 works, but in no (!) Evolution 1.2.x
(ximian, together with IMAP folders the - actually
present(!) - the header list is filled with chars: There _are_ all
entries and columns but it looks as if all chars being "transparent"
(they are not shown).

I read about a problem of same or similar kind (I think under
support/FAQ at ximian) - it should be fixed for 1.2.1, though. It rather
concerned IMAP through SSL.

Has anybody heard of this problem or has a solution for this?



evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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