[Evolution] New insight: Evolution 1.2.1, IMAP and no chars in header list entries


my old - and persisting - problem that chars in header list are missing
is described further below.

What I want to add is that with the actual knoppix versions the problem
is the same - so it is not esp. _my_ system or computer. It depends on
the version: with 1.0.8 it works, with 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 not.

So something got worse - what should not happen. Maybe the developpers
that read this are interested. What might be of interest is that with
all other mail clients I have used so far (windows and linux) it works
without error messages (Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla, Sylpheed,
KMail, Netscape Messenger, ...)



----> Old message with problem


Evolution 1.0.8 of SuSE 8.1 works, but in no (!) Evolution 1.2.x
(ximian, usr-local-bin.org) together with IMAP folders the - actually
present(!) - the header list is filled with chars: There _are_ all
entries and columns but it looks as if all chars being "transparent"
(they are not shown).

I read about a problem of same or similar kind (I think under
support/FAQ at ximian) - it should be fixed for 1.2.1, though. It rather
concerned IMAP through SSL.

Has anybody heard of this problem or has a solution for this?



evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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