Re: [Evolution] Dictionaries

spell_check( german || english );

I'll be middle-posting on this one (hehehehe)...

And I will just quote needed parts... >:->

As for implementing this, one would have to:

1) add an option for the "default" language in the prefs.
2) the list in Edit->SCL would be made of the languages "enabled" in the
3) only one element in the list in Edit->SCL would be active at a time 

Make any sense?  Thanks for reading so far...

Nope, that doesn't make sense to me. As a non-english native speaker,
some language mixes come in handy -- especially when related to Computer

- my private mails are normally just german
- posting on english speaking mailing lists only need english
- posting on german mailing lists sometimes screw up:
Even in my local Linux User Group mailing list there are now and then
quotes from the man-pages (in english).

Does it make sense, to mark the whole qoute as false? ;-)

Well, I guess if you are quoting a man page you don't really need to
spell-check it do you?  Unless you use the "Spell check document" action
very often.  I could see that this would be irritating to go through a
whole block of words that are mis-spelled even though you don't care.  

Sorry, that was just a quick (and dirty) example. I will make myself
more clearly:

When discussing about tech topics, you frequently *will* have to use
English words. Thats even more annoying, than stumbling over a block of
'miss-spelled' words.

btw: I only use 'check while I type', as that is the fastest and easiest
way. I really will *not* check the whole mail again, just to correct
words. By a red line I see instantly, if I again mis-spelled an english

Please, never drop 'check while I spell' -- that's really great!

That said, I write my mail and send it. No need, to interact with the
menu. Not for spell-checking. And not for switching languages, as I
currently can check with several languages.

To me, having 2 languages enabled for automagically spell-checking, is
really essential. It avoids me from having to switch for every second
mail. Please don't drop that either! ;)

I still don't agree that multiple dictionaries at a time are a good
idea.  You can always switch languages to check the spelling

Maybe you can understand me better now. I don't wanna change, as it just
is extra work (unnecessary).

The average user will be too lazy to switch, and the average tech
support / businessman will be too busy. Thus deactivating spell

Checking on the fly while typing should IMHO be the default, when not
already so.

If there can be no consensus (we need more input, people...) I suggest
leaving it the way it was.  That way you can choose on the fly which
language to use and if you click "add to dictionary" the word will be
added to the languages you use.  You could select ONE language in the
prefs so that it would be the "default" one or you could select NONE and
activate one of them when needed.

Yes, more input.

Personally I will switch to 1.2.1 until this matter is resolved.  I need
to switch languages frequently.

Having 2 languages at the same time really is no option for you?


char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0  ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

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