Re: Mailing list setup (was Re: [Evolution] Send Later?)

On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 10:17, Eric Lambart wrote:

It appears that the updated mailing list software is set to accept
messages from people who are not subscribed to the list.  Could you
folks PLEASE fix this to reflect the previous behaviour (ignore the
message completely), or better yet, bounce the message, explaining that
you must be subscribed to post (I have been mystified why some of my
posts never appeared in the past, until I realized I'd used the wrong
Yeah, if you're going to change the behavior away from "accept
everything", please change it to "bounce with explanation".

When I first started using evolution, I signed up with one address and
sent mail from another. One of those mails was "How should I best send
you money?" And the other was about how I could contribute an importer
for Eudora, since I needed to import a lot of Eudora mail. Y'all just
threw away my emails without comment. When I figured out what the issue
was a week or two later, the wind had already gone out of my sails.

As long as Evolution doesn't allow users to specify which account to
associate with a specific folder or addressee, imperfect people like me
are going to occasionally forget to set the From address properly before
sending a message
This is a feature I would really, really like. I use a different address
for every list I'm on and every vendor I deal with, using the
qmail/postfix feature where "william-foo scissor com" gets delivered to
william scissor com  This is great for automatic filing, tracking who
sells my email, and blocking addresses that end up with spammers.

But as yet, Evolution doesn't support that at all, so some sort of box
for variable local-part suffix would be awesome!


brains for sale:

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