Re: [Evolution] timezone in the header of a reply quote

On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 05:57, Martin List-Petersen wrote:
On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 11:13, Andreas Wüst wrote:
Well, it would be cool if the reply string could be altered anyway.. And
even better, if, when replying, evolution would automatically extract
the name of the recipient from the email address and put it on top of
the mail (with some configurable salutation). ;)

It is that direction, that i thought in, especially some people not
might want to have the timezone info.

On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 02:18, Not Zed wrote:
You are talking about the timezone IN the message you're replying to? 

This would be impossible to do reliably, unless you are translating to
the repliers timezone, not the original message's timezone.  All we 
get is a number, which may be affected by daylight savings, and cannot
possibly take into account latitude differences.

If course this can be taken reliably. The time in the mail i'm replying
to is stored locally from the sendes point of view with the modifyer
(for me right now 11:55 +0200) so that would not be the problem.

Explain how it can be done reliably?

You dont want your timezone, you want the guy who wrote it's timezone,
and all you have is a number.  There's no way you can translate this to
a string.

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