[Evolution] Proxy help!

Hey all,

I've been using evolution 1.0.8-3mdk with no trouble at all for quite a
while, however it has now stopped using the proxy settings to access the
net. This is a quite a problem for me. I've checked out the proxy
settings using gconftool and fixed them up, and I have also set the
gnome proxy stuff up properly. does anyone have any ideas about what I
might be missing or even where to start diagnosing this?



| Angus Beath | Support Coordinator +61 2 42215600 |
| Fax +61 2 42214163 | angus_beath uow edu au      |
If you hear someone yell, "Empower THIS!!"
try to put some distance between you and 
whatever happens next. - words from the wise DNRC.

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