[Evolution] Re: Apt repository update: Evolution 1.1.2, dvd::rip 0.47_06 for Red Hat 8

On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 23:51, Michel Alexandre Salim wrote:

rpm http://messlab.sf.net/files/apt/ redhat/8.0/en/i386 ms
(there might be a secondary mirror up soon as well - stay tuned)

Correction: that should read
rpm http://messlab.sourceforge.net/files/apt redhat/8.0/en/i386 ms

It seems to not resolve properly on the sf.net domain, bizarre.

Thanks, and happy testing,

Michel Alexandre Salim
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Linux 2.4.20-pre10-ac2 #2 SMP Mon Oct 28 00:02:38 GMT 2002 athlon 

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