Re: [Evolution] Evolution and OpenLDAP: POSSIBLE RESOLUTION?

Recently a co-worker installed evo beta. I've been running it
for a long time now. He was able to browse our Exchange 5.5 with no
hassles, I was still unable, even after deleting most of the xml files. 

I took a copy of his addressbook-sources.xml and compared it against

His works, mine doesn't. The only major difference is the authentication

Here is an example:

-----new xml-----
-----new xml-----

-----old xml-----
-----old xml-----

The latter entry fails and asks for authentication over and over, while
the former just works, after I've authenticated to the exchange server.

I wanted to open a bug on this, but I don't want this "hole" to get
closed per se so I can't use LDAP at all, rather I would like the latter
to be fixed so it does work.


Austin Gonyou <austin coremetrics com>
Coremetrics, Inc.

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