Re: [Evolution] SPAM control : spamassassin & vipul's razor

Le jeu 21/11/2002 à 23:52, guenther a écrit :

Philippe sent me great instructions, but spam is not being filtered :-(

Spamassassin not working? IMHO there should always be a X-Spamassassin
line in the mail header (or something like that).


In Evo 1.2, you can filter your mail through a "Pipe through shell
command" with criterion :
Pipe Message to Shell Command "/usr/bin/spamassassin -e" "does not
return" "0"

"spamassassin -e" (or "spamc -c" to use the deamon/client faster
version) then returns a non-zero exit code for spam and a zero exit code
for non-spam (or undetected spam). This way is easier but not as
flexible I suppose. But for "simple users" as myself, it does not
require to setup fetchmail, procmail, etc. 

Possible sources of errors :
- Does it work manually? What happens when you do the "spamassassin -t <
sample-spam.txt > spam.out"? Do you get any results in the mail headers?

- Are you using "spamc -c"? Try "spamassassin -e" first. Maybe you're
spamd deamon is not set up and running properly.

- Do you have other filter rules define? Do you have other rules before
Spamassassin? Maybe they interfere before spamassassin can do its work?
Your Spamassassin rule should be near the top.

- Check the spelling : it's spamassassin and not spamasassin or

- Don't put quotation marks "" when defining the criterion... Just to be
sure ;-)

Good luck!


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