Re: [Evolution] How much email can Evolution handle?

On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 20:27, Moazam Raja Eng Sun COM wrote:
I am thinking of migrating my email from (from OS X) to 
Evolution and would like to know how much email Evolution can handle. I 
have roughly 3.5Gigs of email (local) which I keep. Can Evolution handle 
this size? Does anyone here have Evolution running with multiple Gigs of 

The reason I ask is because I've tried to migrate to Netscape mail and 
it simply barfs when I have alot of email, and hence is useless for me. 
I'm hoping Evolution will save the day..

In 1 big mbox, or a lot of different folders/sub-folders, or MH 

(This is one good benefit of MH: your mbox can't get too big.  Of
course, you may have 10,000 files in the directory...)

| Ron Johnson, Jr.        Home: ron l johnson cox net        |
| Jefferson, LA  USA    |
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| "(Women are) like compilers.  They take simple statements  |
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