Re: [Evolution] installation without ximian gnome

Check to see where evolution ended up - I think the default is /opt/gnome. Try, as root, "find / -name evolution -print".  That should eventually show you something like "/opt/gnome/bin/evolution"

In my case (SuSE 7.3), the main gnome install directory is /opt/gnome, and evolution is in /opt/gnome/bin.  I needed to set a variable, GNOME_PATH, to point to /opt/gnome.  You should also add whatever directory the evolution executable is in to your path :- set path=($path /opt/gnome/bin).  You may also have to add /opt/gnome/lib to a variable called LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  Once working, add these to your shell setup.



On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 02:08, Bruce Park wrote:

I just installed evoultion on my linux workstation and I can't seem to 
launch the program. Can anyone tell me what I need to do? I've looked under 
both programs and applications and nothing was there.


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