Re: [Evolution] Feature Request: Bind accounts to folders

On 19-Mar-2002 Oliver Kurlvink wrote:
Evolution already tries to do this.

I believe it's already been discussed: Evo tries and succeeds in
replying with the account to which the message was sent, but a message
coming from a mailing list usually doesn't have that kind of information
in the headers.

Yes, that's the problem. It was really great to tell the foldern that
they have to use a specific account in sylpheed. In akmail it was done
in a different way - the way most unix mailers don't want to go (why?).
You just don't have one tree for all accounts but each account has it's
own tree. So if you have a folder for the mailing list it's always the
subfolder of an account and uses this setting. Regarding in which
account-subfolder you are it uses this account settings for replys or
new mails (!!).

XFMail has the same ability to attach a specific "From" address to a folder
also and it's a really nice feature.  My home address is a address
which gives me three aliases, all forwarded to one account, so I like to
split up mail based on which address it was "to" and then be able to send
out mail as the right address based on what folder I'm in when I send it. 
VERY nice and VERY convenient - let's me easily use one address for personal
use and one address for "business".  I'd love to see that feature in
Evolution also.   (as soon as I figure out an easy way to move all my mail
folders from xfmail over to evolution, I'm planning on switching)


|                   |                                                 |
|                   |       E-mail:   klong memach com                |
|    Ken Long       |       Voice:    (757)543-6801 x 392             |
|                   |       FAX:      (757)494-0733                   |
|                   |                                                 |
|    The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of  |
|                          Metro Machine Corp.                        |

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