Re: [Evolution] Copying address books, killev

On Thu, 2002-03-07 at 11:32, Ron Johnson wrote:

On Thu, 2002-03-07 at 12:38, James Galagher wrote:

How do I move my Contacts from one computer to another. I tried copying
the addressbook.db file, but that didn't work. 

You could export the whole folder to vcard and then import it on the
other machine.

Never heard of killev.  So, "man killev" suggested trying 
"killev --help", so I did...

Note that killev is a Perl script. It uses "kill -9", which I find
esthetically displeasing, so I made a private copy that uses "kill
-TERM" instead. Haven't had that fail yet. Ideally it should try -TERM
first and fall back to -KILL only if -TERM fails.

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