Re: [Evolution] Evolution not quite Eudora yet

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On 13-Jun-2002/17:32 -0400, grok <grok sprint ca> wrote:
So, saying 'just like Eudora' doesn't mean much to any of us, for the
most part.

Surprising. I thought many 'power' users preferred Eudora to dreck
Outlook. This has never been a 'numbers game' for me.

A lot of people who have been handling lots of Internet mail since before
1996 have used Eudora. People who started later, or did most of their mail
at work, or have not needed to handle lots of mail, probably used whatever
was convenient. In a lot of cases that was Outlook/Outlook Express.

An old email power user like me loved the configurability of Eudora. By
the tinm Outlook/OE got anywhere near as good as Eudora, I'd been using
Eudora for several years and wasn't about to switch. One showstopper for
me was the way Outlook stored data in opaque file formats. My email and
contact data is too important to me to allow it to get locked up in some
proprietary file format. Eudora still had the edge on Outlook for my needs
so I continued to use it until I switched to Linux.

When I switched to Linux the only app I really missed was Eudora. I used
Pine for a while because it was fast and good enough. Now I use Evo at
work for the same reasons. But at home, Mutt is king.

It would be good if the Evo developers had experience with Eudora. It was
the best Windows mail client that I've ever used. It is a great tool for
email power users.

- -- 
Anthony E. Greene <mailto:agreene pobox com>
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Comment: Anthony E. Greene 0x6C94239D <agreene pobox com>


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