Re: [Evolution] FRQ: Pipe incoming mail through AntiVirus tools

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On 11-Jul-2002/14:23 +0200, Xavier Bestel <n0made free fr> wrote:
Le jeu 11/07/2002 à 14:15, Matthias Hentges a écrit :
Am Don, 2002-07-11 um 13.44 schrieb Xavier Bestel:
Le jeu 11/07/2002 à 13:21, Matthias Hentges a écrit :
Using a filter to scan mails for viruses would be a damn great thing to
see in Evolution.

I can't see the point: I've never heard of any (real) virus on Linux.
And Evolution isn't to be ported to Windows.

Well you are right. Today there are very few Linux viruses (but they
*do* exist). The point is that when Linux becomes more mainstream,
people *will* write a whole sh*tload of viruses. And IMO its only a
question of time that someone finds a way to use a buffer overflow /
some bug in a mail-reading software for linux to spread worms.

Free software hasn't the same life cycle as proprietary software. If a
new virus/security breach appears, I'll have a fixed version of
Evolution in my Debian repository quicker than you'll have updated your
antivirus thing ...

But users don't install patches quickly. A virus gets plenty of time to
propagate itself before enough systems are fixed that it doesn't have
anywhere left to go.

Besides, not everyone uses Evo to read mail. Antivirus software will
eventually have a market on Linux.

- -- 
Anthony E. Greene <mailto:agreene pobox com>
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Comment: Anthony E. Greene <mailto:agreene pobox com> 0x6C94239D


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