Re: [Evolution] syncing with Plm Vx

On Tue, 2002-01-08 at 17:17, James D Strandboge wrote:
I originally filed this as a bug report, but thought I would resend it
to the list to get some tips.

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. configure evolution conduits in gnomecc ro 'synchronize'
2. Enter data into Palm Vx
3. click hotsync button on palm 

Actual Results:
Inclomplete sync in evolution (palm seems to get new info in evolution,
but evolution doesn't pick up everything in palm) 

Expected Results:
Complete sync 
I was in a similar situation.  I was using RH 7.0 + Ximian Gnome on a
Dell Latitude connecting to a visor.  When I upgraded to 7.2, evo, moz,
and the control panels were very messed up.  I tracked the first two
problems to moz package libnspr4, which neither the RH upgrade or
redcarpet would sync to the rest of the mozilla packages.  I have not
fixed the the control panels, I cannot use them to set the conduit
configurations.  The settings are correct in ~/.gnome/gnome-pilot.d
(after some scary tinkering) and I am syncing correctly now.  I hesitate
to force install the control panels with everything working, but one day
I will need to change a setting.


__S i n z u i___________________________________
sinzui cox rr com
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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