Re: [Evolution] Upgrade to 1.2

On Mon, 2002-12-30 at 20:38, Ronald Watts wrote:

Thanks, Stephen.  When I do just that, I get the message: 

"All packages...are already installed on your system", even though
they're not.  

On doing a little more homework, it appears that SuSE 7.3 is NOT
supported for Ev 1.2 - you have to upgrade to 8.1.  At least, that's
my interpretation of what's available on the ftp sites.  So maybe Red
Carpet is being more intelligent than I gave it credit for... 


What about "cheating" a bit more - maybe going so far as to
"momentarily" rename your /usr/bin/evolution to something like
/usr/bin/evolution-old and THEN trying to use RedCarpet...(I've
hoodwinked RC before - just to get something I otherwise couldn't get -
which was Gnome2 - but that ended up being a bigger mistake).

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