[Evolution] Evolution and SSL smtp servers


Should I report this un Evo's Bugzilla site, or is reporting it here

Two mail clients, Mozilla 1.0rc3 and Evolution 1.0.8-99. Mozilla does
everything perfectly, Evo doesn't.

I want to have all service traffic on the inside of my firewall run over
TLS where possible.

So I use ldaps, pop3s, ssh etc. for those services that need it. I check
what does in fact happen with the service's (openldap, Exim etc) debug
tools and with Ethereal 0.8.20

Evo can cope with pop3s on the standard port (995). But it makes a
complete mess of smtps (without authentication) on port 465. It's
supposed to give an "ehlo me" and when it sees "STARTTLS", it's supposed
to do "<< STARTTLS", after which the certificate exchange and the rest
of the smtp stuff happens.

Mozilla does this.

Evo sends "<< F" and 3 escaped octets and the rfc-compliant mail server
(Exim 4.10) hangs with a 500 syntax error and eventally times out.

Useless, obviously. Who should deal with this?




Tony Earnshaw

The usefulness of RTFM is vastly overrated.

e-post:         tonni billy demon nl
www:            http://www.billy.demon.nl
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