Re: [Evolution] Unable to upgrade evolution: libstdc++ deadlock

Am Mit, 2002-08-07 um 21.50 schrieb C R Zamana:
      I've recently upgrade my system from RH 7.2 to RH 7.3.
By the time of this upgrade I realize that Ximian is an "invasive
desktop", so I decided not to use anything with "ximian" in the
rpm package. That's ok.

Hmm... I can't say that, I love Ximian's packages because they are much
more actual than all RedHat Packages (concerning gnome and Evo).

I'm also running a fresh copy of RedHat 7.3 with Ximian Gnome and Evo.

1) evolution needs mozilla 1.0.1

I took a Mozilla Package from

2) mozilla needs


      And I can't upgrade libstdc++ because my current version is
needed by nothing less than 38 packages. Mozilla-1.0.0 include!!! :-)

I recently had to reinstall my whole system (ext3-file-system-crash) and
after installing the RedHat 7.3 Base-System, I took RedCarpet and
upgraded libstdc++ and other system stuff from the RedHat 7.3 channel.

After that I installed evo (devel-snap-shots).
Worked quite well.
RedCarpet is a quite nice tool for keeping the system up to date.


webmaster matronix de -


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