Re: [Evolution] Evolution to Evolution Sync?

On Thu, 2001-11-29 at 13:52, John Sturgeon wrote:

Since this seem like it's a pretty critical feature for you, have you
though of plunking down $50 for a used Palm on eBay, and using it to
'sync' all of your evo's together?  I have a palm, and I use it to sync
my home evolution with my work evolution.  It works quite well.

You don't need even need to buy from EBay.  Circuit City has an M100 on
sale for $100 before a $50 rebate, so your total is $50 for a brand new
2MB Pilot.  I've got an M100 and I'm fairly happy except for the crappy
lid on the thing.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
mailto:ewilts ewilts org

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