Re: [Evolution] Mailcheck applet for Evolution?

Are there any plans to write one that maintains the evolution look and
feel / is evolution aware / & already knows your evolution pop
preferences, etc?

This would be a nice bit of integration.

I have not poked though the evolution code much but have noticed that
something keeps runnning even when you exit evolution.  I think this bit
of code keeps track of generating alerts for appointments?  Not sure, I
haven't played with this.  Maybe this could also handle mail alerts?

On Tue, 2001-11-20 at 10:52, Geoff Beaumont wrote:
At 08:58 20/11/2001 -0600, you wrote:
Thanks for the reply.  This is what I've been doing but wanted one
communicates with evolution.  i.e. It still shows I have mail after the
download from pop server happens.  Evolution is not able to communicate
with these and inform them that they need to remove the "I have mail"
icon.  Not a big deal, just wondering if I was missing something.

I'm not aware of one that does this...for any *NIX mailer, not just Evo. Wonder
how difficult it would be to write one?

Hmmm, not sure.


Geoff Beaumont
Geoff stormhammer com

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