Re: [Evolution] Recognizing Arbitrary Message Quotations (was Re: [Evolution]

On Thu, 2001-11-15 at 16:53, Dave Euser wrote:
Just a few thoughts on this:
You could assume that any characters marking a quotation will be non
alphanumeric (makes some things simpler). 
But this brings up other issues:
      1) how to recognize a single line being quoted (ie the original
      message has only one line). I would assume that you would have  to have
2+ lines to make a valid assumption that the character(s)     you're
looking at are a quotation marker, and not actually part of   the text
      2) what happens if the original message has some kind of list:
      eg      - item 1
              - item 2
              - item 3
      This could easily be interpreted as a quotation marker. How to

You can't make the assumption that the quote marker will be
non-alphanumeric. Emacs, for example has this nasty habbit of quoting
with, for example:

Euser> this is quoting what Dave Euser said.

That contains alpha-numeric characters.

Definitely not a simple might come to the point of
      a) not doing anything at all....leave things as-is
      b) make certain assumptions, causing some mis-quoted messages

This is what we currently do

      c) create a list of standard quotation markers and work from    that list

There is only 1 standard way, and that is "> " which is also specified
by an internet standards draft.


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