Re: [Evolution] Recognizing Arbitrary Message Quotations (was Re: [Evolution]

Or, we could just use '> ' like most everyone else, and the problem
isn't there.


It appears that an poorly worded query on my part spawned an interesting
topic: how can we recognize arbitrarily quoted messages for purposes of
colorization, requoting, and rewrapping?

It feels like a potentially worthwhile approach is to spend some time
trying to recognize attribution strings; if we could learn to do that,
we can infer that the next line is quoted somehow, and start to unravel
which quoting strings relate to which attributions. 

Ideally, we could completely unroll any number of arbitrarily quoted
messages, which would allow us to then requote or rewrap tidily.

However, this is no more easy than the first problem, and perhaps
considerably harder. I'm thinking about this a bit in my spare moments,
but to paraphrase ESR, many eyes make light work. ;]


Jim Meyer, Geek At Large                              purp selequa com

evolution maillist  -  evolution ximian com

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