Re: [Evolution] i18n buglets

On 01 Apr 2001 00:25:09 +0930, Not Zed wrote:

Hmm, this is actually rather hard to do with the way the code works.

What its trying to do for example is try and find words that are
us-ascii so it can just put them in without encoding when it can (i.e.
to aid readability), and you've just hit an edge case :(  (which i'm
sure comes up in practice often with these character sets).

I believe it's best - even for readability - to represent such a header
field as a single enconded-word. Cases when this is not possible should
be quite rare, for example when a subject exceeds the maximum length of
75 chars. Perhaps a simple and efficient solution might be to configure
a charset for each account and then Evolution could discriminate only
between us-ascii and this charset when the user is composing mail under
this account.


Ladislav Lhotka <Lhotka cesnet cz>
CESNET, z.s.p.o.

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