Re: [Evolution] IMAP config to break a little bit (but new toys!)

* Organisation and Signaure file are not saved

fixed. Funny how they don't just automatically save themselves when you
delete the code that saves them...

* as you said, password is forgotten

Just once I hope?

* the colour to highlight citations with isn't saved

Can't reproduce that. It works for me.

* I start Evo, it asks for my IMAP password. While I type it in the
shortcut bar populates. I type in my password and my mail server is
available, but the shortcut bar does not add the shortcuts I've created
to my mail server

Hm... and it used to work before? (I agree, it doesn't now, but I can't
see how that would have broken with my changes. Maybe there was an
unrelated change to the shell that also first showed up in this

* in the mail account list, what is the first column with a * in for?
When I started evo there was a star for my mail server, but once I
edited it (updated namespace etc) it disappeared.


-- Dan

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