Re: [Evolution] [off-topic] sblive and esd?

Le 2001.03.14 07:03:53 +0100, dan hensley att net a écrit :

Never mind.  I compiled esound with --enable-alsa=no, and esd
starts up now.  The only problem now is that it won't play Gnome
sounds, not even if I start it manually.  Stupid thing.


esd has a rather crude authorization mechanism: the first user which plays
a sound can be the only one. So if you tried it as root, your normal user
will be rejected. Just restart it.
Or try the -public flag.

I found that out a few years ago when I was first trying Gnome
(<1.0), and unfortunately this is not the problem.  I have esd
working now, and gnome-session is starting esd when I log in, and
it's owned by me.  But gnome-session is not properly talking to esd,
so no sounds come out.  However, applications like Nautilus now
work, for example.  But doing an ldd on gnome-session shows that
it needs libasound, which is part of ALSA, which is the reason
esd didn't originally work.  I've removed all dependencies to libasound
from within the Gnome dependencies, but this stupid library is
still creeping its way in.  I'm running out of ideas.


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