Re: [Evolution] possibly stupid PGP/GPG display question

Note: These ideas may not be practical, I'm just brainstorming.  I'm
assuming that pretty much whatever you do in the actual message pane is
out of the question since it could be reasonably faked by a well crafted

So my first idea is a tabbed message view, with a tab for every part of
the message.  Small icons in the tabs could reflect the validity of the
signature and the user could click on the icon for a dialog box with the
detailed description. Instead of the icons in the tabs or in addition to
them there could be an icon and brief message in the status bar
depending on which tab is showing  It could say something like "click
for details" and again, the user could get a dialog box with the
detailed information on the validity of the signature.

If the signature spanned the entire multipart message, you could show
the whole message in one tab, which graphically reflects the idea that
the one signature spans the entire message.  Or, if that seems awkward
to sometimes have the parts of a message split and other times not,
either the icon on the tab or the brief message in the status bar could
indicate that the same signature covers more than one tab, maybe by
numbering the signatures or something like that.

My other idea is that the message could be broken apart in the listing,
much like replies to a message are done in the threaded view.  You could
then show signatures like you would be dealing with one at a time.
There would need to be some way to visually differentiate between a
broken up PGP/GnuPG message and replies for us threaded folk though, and
its not very intuitive.  I don't really like this one.

Again, I'm just brainstorming here, so none of these ideas are real well
thought out, but I wanted to throw them out so maybe they might inspire
someone to come up with The Right Idea.  Good luck!


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