Re: [Evolution] Red Carpet breaks 2/16 snapshot?

On 28 Feb 2001 17:02:22 -0800, Richard Zach wrote:
I just installed Red Carpet 0.9 (on RH 6.2), and since then Evolution 
can't open the mail composer.  I get an error dialog that says "Can't 
open composer window."  (No output on the console.)

As far as I can tell, the only package that came with the 2/16 snapshot 
that was updated is gtkhtml, from 0.8.2-100 to 0.8.3-0_helix_1.

Is this the likely culprit?  Is there an easy fix for this (other than 
downgrading gtkhtml or compiling Evolution from source)?  Or, when will 
new snapshots be available?

Just recompile the gtkhtml with the --with-bonobo option and everything
will be fixed.  If you just want the binary then you can pull it off of
my computer for now until they get the
snapshots back up and running.

Sejal Patel (sejal iname com)

"I can call spirits from the vasty deep.  Why so can I, or so can any man;
but will they come when you do call for them?"
                                        Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part I

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