[Evolution] Dropping mail?

With both the current snapshot and the one before that, I've started to
see disturbing signs of it dropping mail. When I receive mail, the
dialogue reports (for instance) that it's getting two mails ("receiving
1 of 2", "receiving 2 of 2"). When it's finished, however, only one new
mail is present.

I use mail filtering to puth stuff in the right place, and once (three
days ago) I stupidly tried to drag mailfolders around in the folder
tree, just to see what happens. I managed to get everything back, but
now I suspect that perhaps some mailfilter is putting mail into a
non-existant folder or something.

Trust the Computer. The Computer is your friend.

Mr. Jan Morén                          Dept. of Cognitive Science
Tel. +46-046 222 8588                  Kungshuset, Lund
Fax. +46-046 222 9758                  S-222 22 Lund, Sweden

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