[Evolution] 2 itsy-bitsy patches


I just gave CVS Evolution a go, and came up with one tiny thing that
bugged me and a small addition to the key bindings.

The thing that bugged me was the envelope icon in the mail view. When
the message is actually a fake message (used to anchor the root of a
message thread when the actual root isn't around) the envelope always
appears unopened. The first attached patch
(evolution-thread-unread.patch) causes this envelope to only appear
unread if that sub thread has unread messages (in the same way that the
boldness of the subject etc works).

The other thing is a binding for first unread mail (as opposed to next
unread). The second attachment (evolution-first-unread.patch) binds
Ctrl-N to first unread (with N remaining next unread). I also bound last
unread to Ctrl-P for good measure. I'm not sure if you have any policy
on keybindings though so perhaps this isn't allowed, I certainly find it
useful though.

Perhaps it would be useful to move these options to a menu somewhere
(folder menu?) since then the bindings would be available even if the
message list wasn't focused. Although in that case it would probably be
worth making the bindingd Ctrl-N and Ctrl-Shift-N or something...


Ian Campbell
Churchill College, Cambridge.

Attachment: evolution-thread-unread.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: evolution-first-unread.patch
Description: Text document

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