Re: [Evolution] Get Mail is broken

On 14 Feb 2001 15:17:18 +0000, dan hensley att net wrote:

You probably store all your POP passwords in Evolution?
My guess is that if you remove the password from one of
your accounts, and when you Get Mail and hit Cancel when
it prompts you for the password each time, you'll see the
problem.  Maybe not the first time, but at least 90% of
the time after that.  I always get No Route To Host.


I'm using evolution (cvs, Feb. 11 2001) with fetchmail since a long time
because I had a lot of trouble with pop3. Evolution also crashes
regulary when reading mail from /var/spool/mail/$USER
So it seems to be a problem inside the normal reading of mail, not only
bad error handling. Other times, I read 100+ messages in a bulk without
a problem.

Heinz-Josef Claes

PS: "SEND LATER" causes evolution to loop with 100% CPU and rapid
growing in memory since sime weeks with different cvs versions.


Since I haven't received any replies, I'll try again.
Get Mail is broken, and has been for a long time.  In
addition to this, the mail component is quite unstable.
It crashes on me quite frequently, both before and after
checking mail and sometimes when trying to view the new
mailbox contents.  I don't have backtraces yet.

I'm using CVS from yesterday.

I'm using this version. My Get Mail is working fine. Mail component has
crashed on me yet, and yesterday I received 230+ messages.
Sent a few - plain text, HTML, PGP-encrypted - all composed and sent fine.

I use 3 POP accounts, tho - not IMAP. System runs Mandrake 7.2.

The CONTACTS, on the other hand, crashes evry time I try to add a new
contact (the wombat process dies), and I still haven't been able to get the
CVS version to read my existing addressbook.

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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