Re: [Evolution] Copy and Paste

On 06 Feb 2001 13:02:04 -0500, Curtis Maurand wrote:
  I have a feature request.  I would love to be able to copy to the
clipboard from the message viewer

How does it not work right now? I just tried to do copy and paste from
Evolution (my build is made from yesterday's snapshot SRPMS) and it
worked fine. I can do cut and paste using the Edit menu, and also do

So there's finally a "Cut", "Copy" and "Paste" on the EDIT menu in the CVS
version? Like the MS Windows standard?

Thank God! I *LOATHE* that X way of "all selected text is copied to the
clipboard". Altho I *LOVE* the "hit middle button to paste".

I have some very definite opinions.


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