Re: [Evolution] Re: corrupted attachments

The bad news is that there appears to be an issue with the M$ style text
files which have both carriage return and newline to mark ends of lines.

These carriage returns get stripped off by evolution.  Ie if ends of
line are marked by CR (0d) LF (0a) the attachment only ends up with LF

Hm. Did you send the file from Evolution or something else, and if
something else, was it on linux or windows?

All internet email is sent with CRLFs, regardless of the source and
destination. So if you attached a text file to your message on a Windows
box, it would presumably treat the CRLFs as just "normal", and not
specially encode the attachment, and then when Evolution receives it, it
would strip the CRs all off, because it's supposed to be a text file,
and text files on unix only have LFs.

If you sent the file from Evolution though, it seems as though it ought
to take care to ensure that the file gets encoded such that the CRs
survive on the other side...

One little feature request: any chance of an option to "burst" digests. 

Yes, some day. Not in 1.0 though.

-- Dan

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