Re: [Evolution] Evolution Bug Day Reminder

On 22 Aug 2001 11:30:25 -0700, Mike Leckey, Jr. wrote:
On Wed, 2001-08-22 at 10:00, Luis Villa wrote:


P.S. Note my use of the niftyness that is evolution calendaring. Let
know if I'm doing something stupid... I've never tried this before :) 

Since this was the first calendar attachment I received, I thought I
would try it.

I viewed it inline, then hit the OK button.

Now, when I go to the calendar, there is nothing scheduled, but the
little month view on the side of the daily view is highlighted as if
there was something scheduled.

Worked for me (and DAMN COOL it was! :-). Using 2001.08.18 snapshot. I
now have an all day event for Thursday.

How did you send that request, anyway?


Michael J. Leone                  Registered Linux user #201348 
<mailto:turgon mike-leone com>    ICQ: 50453890     AIM: MikeLeone

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