Re: [Evolution] Demand Filter/Deletion Bug

The problem with this is that it's not easy to fix I don't think. The way
it works is that it goes through the list of messages copying them when
it's told to and then marking that messages as deleted (basically a move
action). Afterward, the folder gets sync'd and all messages marked as
deleted get expunged.

Here's the problem: When you think of "Move", you think of removing that
message from it's original location and dropping it in some other location,
right? Unfortunately that's not possible in Camel. In Camel, you have to
Copy and then Delete and then Expunge. When you tell Camel to Expunge, it
expunges *all* messages marked as deleted without remorse.

The only possible solution that comes to mind (danw may have better ideas)
is to do the Copy and Delete, but never actually Expunge. The problem I see
with this is that the user expects that the messages will have been moved,
not copied and then marked as deleted. This might confuse the user... And
if at some point we have a Trash folder, these messages will appear there
and that might also confuse the user "Oh my god! I didn't want to delete
those! I said move them to another folder!"

There's no clear-cut way to fix this...


On 26 Sep 2000, Ettore Perazzoli wrote:
Date: 26 Sep 2000 08:21:39 -0400
To: Sejal Patel <sejal iname com>
From: Ettore Perazzoli <ettore helixcode com>
CC: evolution helixcode com
Sender: evolution-admin helixcode com
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Demand Filter/Deletion Bug

    Sejal> Hey guys, I found another not quite so serious bug with
    Sejal> evolution.  What happens is that if you mark a message for
    Sejal> deletion (a.k.a have a line through the message) then
    Sejal> whenever you run a filter on demand from the folder menu
    Sejal> (in my case it is Run Filter "Evolution Maillist") it will
    Sejal> automatically expunge the messages that were marked for
    Sejal> deletion as well.  It would be kinda nice if it didn't
    Sejal> automatically expunge the deleted messages when I'm simply
    Sejal> trying to move some other messages to another folder.

  Right.  I am going to file this into Bugzilla now.


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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