Re: [Evolution] IMAP/SSL, IMAP folders, and a couple other things

: There has to be a way around this?  Having the mail-gathering as a separate
: process that's not under the gpl or something.

Actually, I hadn't thought of that but that's the way at least one other client
I saw worked - it had the functionality of using fetchmail as one of it's 
mail delivery protocols and fetchmail can do about anything.

: > as saying that you cannot include OpenSSL (or other SSL variants) with it but
: > not saying that you cannot include the hooks for linking to said libraries.
: But you can't distribute binaries? :(

That's the way I read it unless they either force incorporation of the SSL 
library into evolution or add it as a dependency.  If it were set up as a 
compile-time option but not a requirement then binaries could be distributed
that just didn't have the SSL functionality and you would have to recompile
it to get SSL.

: Have you checked out stunnel??  It can create a tunnel from your computer
: to your ssl-imap-server and then you can set evolution to go to the tunnel
: at localhost?

I haven't tried it in that direction before but I have done the reverse.

I'm not trying to sound pigheaded on this but I really do think that this
needs to be in evolution for it to be fully competitive with the MS products.

  Matthew Harrell                          Preserve wildlife --
  Bit Twiddlers, Inc.                       pickle a squirrel today!
  mharrell bittwiddlers com

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