[Evolution] Will evolution be able to import Outlook's PST files ?

Hi all,

Since im a long time Gnome user ive been following the evolution
development with big interest.

Something that i havent seen mentioned anywhere are what import you are
planning to implement in Evolution.

Will it be able to import Outlook's .pst files or are they propitary and
closed ?

Since i have used the Microsoft Exchange client and later on Outlook at
work i have rather big mail box at work. 
It would be nice to get all these mail into my Linux machine with Gnome.

Will this be possible ?

Exchange support had also been nice but i belive that those specs (MAPI
???) arent public ?

Of course Evolution will be able to speak to Exchange trough POP3 or Imap.

Also, in his diary someone (cant remeber wich one)  mentions a possible
alpha release of Evolution at may 1st. That obvisuly didnt happen - how
does the time schedule look like (yepp, i know developers hate these kind
of questions :) - of course this proboly means new releases of all that
other software(gnome-vfs,gthkml,bonobo etc).

What i have understood so does Evolution have a server module to - will
this work in similar ways to Exchange,Notes etc where you install the
server at one machine and then adminstrate mailboxes etc there ?

If so, has anyone expressed toughts of making other clients to speak to it
? Like magellan or someting else ?

Open software really needs a open sourced groupware solution - and like i
said, im really looking forward to start using Evolution for real.

I know, this is a strange and confused mail ;)

Anyway, fabolus work everyone !!!


Daniel Persson  

Abonet Data AB          ---> http://www.abonet.se
Westbo Linux User Group         ---> http://wlug.westbo.se
En svensk site om Gnome         ---> http://wlug.westbo.se/gnome

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