Re: [Evolution] addendum to my beginning work on evolution


Oh, excuse me, I had my foot in my mouth. 

Well probably not as much as you thought ...

Now that I've read a little of the imap documentation, I see there isn't
much need for a "delete from server" option for imap. That must be a pop
option. And looking at the evolution-0.2 announcement on the mailing
list, I see that we only recently got basic imap support thanks to jeff.

Some users would like to actually have a 'download from server' option -
in effect using imap merely as a receiving spool the same way POP
is generally used.

I found some imap docs at, who would've guessed?

rfc 2060 and related rfc's are good references (no doubt linked
from there).;

So, I'll continue to read them and try to look at the source. Does
anyone have anything specific in mind for imap? Is there a spec of
desired stuff? 

Well I think we want it to support everything  in camel, and
support it well :)  Jeff is doing
most of the work right now, eh shoudk now the state, and him, Dan, 
and Ettore shoukd now where its headed.

I know one feature which is missing completely is supporting the
search interface (assuming i just haven't missed it anyway)- Jeff doens't
have an imap server that supports it to test with.  It would
be nice also for it to support a subset of search operations
(those that can be determined from the summary only)
as well, since many imap servers dont support searching.
Not sure if anyones working on it yet, but it shouldn't be
too hard a thing to do (few days work maybe).


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