Re: [Evolution] This is driving me crazy....

On 30 Dec 2000 20:46:16 -0800, TonyP wrote:
I'll be damed if I can get any text in the summary, message list, 
message header or calendar and I can't type text into a new message or 
calendar item.  I've completely uninstalled  all the libs I installed, 
manually cleaned up anything left over and reinstalled them (more than 
once) I'm baffeled.   I'm using/used  the Helix updater on RH6.1.

  The last version I manually installed, compiled everything, no 
problems.  I started that with this version but had the this problem so 
I figured I'd try the RPM's and still have this issue.  (I did uninstall 
the compiled libs before installing the RPMS, by "make uninstall")

I have no problems at all building or running any other GTK apps, so 
it's gotta be one of the libs specific to Evolution,  GtkHtml?  OAF? Am 
I overlooking a config file somewhere?

I should also mention I have Nautilus working perfectly, it uses a lot 
of the same libs.  I uninstalled all the comon ones and have installed 
the ones from Helix.

I hate it when it get's to this point, I know it's probably something 
really stupid I've overlooked.



After many hours, and the 4th time going through the message archives, I
found out I had to disable my TrueType font server.   arrg... that
should be in the faq or readme....

Sweet program though...



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