[Evolution] External access to evolution database(s)


I want to access the data in evolutions database(s) through external
progs, e.g. to query an address for an external mailer, create
cron-based reminder mails (one per day) etc.

I'm looking for something like a cmd-line query tool.
Is the any support for that inside evolution or has another user
implemented such a tool? Maybe it's possible to do this as a module for
ldbd (http://www.spinnaker.de/lbdb/).
Do I have to build some bonobo components to access the data?

Lot's of questions... Thanx for your help!

Ciao for now, Dirk
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Sicher ist, daß nichts sicher ist. Selbst das nicht.
                                             Joachim Ringelnatz

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