[Evolution] Weekly Feature Request Summary (12/6)

Hello Evolution lovers!

A little before Thanksgiving, Miguel contacted me to help him gather a list
of feature requests for upcoming 0.7 release. After doing some Evolution
mail searching action (vfolders are NICE), a little mail archive reading and
a few bugzilla searches, this is what I got. I sorted the requests in a
(hopefully) useful fashion, but suggestions for how the summary should be
formated are most welcome.

I'm currently using the stable 0.6 release and will try to get CVS evolution
running soon. I've marked various requests with editorial comments and if
you guys have any comments or suggestions, feel free to mail them to me and
the mailing lists so that they can be added to next week's summary. If
certain requests are 'fixed' in CVS, tell me that too, i'll add that in.

I'm sure there are requests that I missed. So if any of you have brilliant
ideas to make the already-wonderful Evolution even BETTER, or you suggested
something that isn't on the list right now, please e-mail the
suggestions with 'feature request' somewhere in the subject.

Oh, and yesterday I was talking to Aaron, documentation monkey at Helix
Code, and we both thought it'd be nice to include any
usability/documentation questions to the summary. So send those in too!

Let's evolve together,


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