[Evolution] scoring (was vfolders vf filters)

Wait till we also get scoring in there ...

What is scoring?

Basically ou h ave another set of 'rules', that match messages, and then
apply a delta score to them.  Messages start at 0, and when they match
a given rule, the rule moves their score up or down.

We plan to have it so that messages are first scored, and then
all other operations can be performed based on the score.  e.g.
you could vfolder 'important' (high scoring) messages, or filter
them into another folder.  Or porobably the most useful,
simply sorting based on score.

But also, in a given folder you may be able to colour messages
based on score - e.g. red for important ones, or grey for noise,

Its a feature of gnu's at least (its in the gnu's info file).


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