[Evolution] Re: [Evolution-hackers] Dum de dum

I did a little of this some time ago...

Firstly, you need a working DCE-RPC so you can talk to the endpoint
mapper on the exchange
end.  Once you have this you need to sniff the traffic between the
endpoints (which will
be RPC procedure calls) and work out what is being sent.

Start by looking at the MS artical Q159298, which contains some
interesting snippets of

Try to reverse engineer Exchange 5.0 - Outlook 97, as I think things
like outlook 2000
encrypt their traffic (it certainly looks like it).

A lot of RPC stuff is done by Samba, and it might be worth collaborating
with them to write the endpoint mapper.  However when I last looked at
it Samba was too monolithic to be used
to create something as generic as a portmapper (you really need it to
startup services
on demand), but I think Samba::TNG has undergone a fairly big

Actually, writing your own endpoint mapper isn't particularly hard (the
specs are freely
available) - I once got something up and running in a week.  Getting
beyond that, though,
requires a lot of head scratching...


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