Re: [Evolution-hackers] WebKit port of the composer

On Friday 01 of June 2012 11:47:31 Matthew Barnes wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-06-01 at 16:49 +0200, Daniel Vratil wrote:
> > I have nearly finished reworking the e-mail formatter (details in the
> > other
> > mail) and I want to slowly turn my attention to the composer. It will be a
> > lot of work, but hopefully I'll make it for 3.6 (no, I WILL make it for
> > 3.6!!!).
> Awesome that you're starting in on that already!

Next week or two will be mostly about fixing the bugs that I've postponed until 
the new formatter is landed. But I want to start shaping the composer in my 
head already :)

> 3.6 is pretty ambitious though.  We can't be landing major features too
> late in the development cycle and 3.6 is already a doozy.  You need to
> allow adequate time for testing and bug fixing before a stable release.
> 3.7.1 seems a more realistic target.  I'd be no less thrilled to be rid
> of GtkHtml by 3.8.

I wanted to aviod shipping a hybrid. But if you say so...

> > If you have any special wish (I bet Andre will come with many feature
> > requests from bugzilla :P ) you'd like to have in the new composer,
> > please share them now. Regarding features, I want to make exact copy of
> > GtkHTMLEditor and only fix the most annoying GtkHTML issues, all crazy
> > ideas will be deferred for 3.8> 
> > :)
> Sounds pretty reasonable.
> My only request off the top of my head is to not subclass GtkWindow for
> your simple/html editors like GtkhtmlEditor does. 

That was never my intention :)

> That was a mistake on
> my part because it precludes us from embedding the editor in an existing
> window, and you'll likely want to do that later when you start working
> on a Conversation View.  ;)  

I probably missed something...? :)

> I suggest GtkGrid as a base class.

Yup :)

> Out of curiosity, what does WebKit/GTK+ use for spell checking?
> Enchant?  Will their APIs allow us to recreate the context menu with
> spelling suggestions plus other editing actions?

Yes, they use Enchant. The API [0] seem to be able to return only single word  
for autocorrect, but I guess we can fill in the missing functionality by 
working directly with Enchant?



> Matthew Barnes
dvratil redhat com | Evolution developer
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